Reasons to Buy the iPad Mini

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iPad Mini

Not that you need an excuse, do you?

We all had been looking forward to the special event that Apple recently held, and I don’t know about you, but the livestreaming factor added to the excitement. I even battled with my eyelids, which seemed to have a will of their own, just so I could stay up and watch the stream. Of course, when it all started, the sleepiness went away of its own accord.

While there were some impressive things mentioned from the get go, we all knew what we were waiting for: the announcement of the iPad Mini. Never mind that you have the latest iPad. It won’t be the latest in a few weeks anyway.

But, just in case you are looking for valid reasons to ditch what you have and get the iPad Mini, let me give you a helping hand.

You’ve got big pockets.

And I mean that literally, although having deep pockets in the figurative sense is certainly a good reason to get the iPad Mini without thinking twice.

But, think about it. The iPad Mini has 7.9-inch screen! Take note, that’s 7.9. Not 7. That .9 of an inch can make a world of difference.

That means it can fit in your big pockets in a way that the regular iPads can’t. If your pockets are too big for your iPhone (nothing’s more uncomfortable than a jiggling phone in your jeans), then the iPad Mini will be a perfect fit.

On a similar note, if you have big hands, then this is the perfect tablet for you as well. The 7-inch Nexus would be too small for ginormous hands, and yet the other 10-inch tablets would be too big for human hands. So, if your hands are too big for 7-inch tablets and too small for 10-inch ones, the iPad Mini is probably your best bet.

It’s every inch a tablet!

Yet it won’t bust your teeth in case you drop it on your face while holding it up reading in bed. In case you’re thinking that’s a preposterous situation, let me tell you it happened in real life. You may have missed it, but there’s this Chinese girl who fell asleep while using her iPad and broke her teeth. Here’s evidence, in case you’re Doubting Thomas.

broken tooth by iPad

This little tablet can do what its larger siblings can – except injure you physically! At 0.68 pounds – 0.69 for the Wi-Fi+Cellular model – you’ll hardly feel it if the device falls on your face.

You just might get away using it as a camera in public places.

We’ve all witnessed those people who go to concerts or other public events and hold up their gigantic tablets, using them as cameras. You might even be one of them, but I am sorry to say that it just looks ridiculous!

With the iPad Mini, though, you might – just might – get away with it without looking like a total moron. I still have my doubts, though.

That being said, the iPad Mini’s cameras are compelling reasons to buy the device. The back iSight Camera can record HD videos, and the front camera is now HD as well. Then again, if you are conscious about your skin, you may want to pass.

All you play is Bejeweled Blitz and Pocket Planes.

The iPad Mini does not have a retina screen. There, I said it! This is the biggest disappointment for me, having gotten used to the resolutionary iPad 3.

Then again, if, like me, all you can’t get enough of are Bejeweled Blitz and Pocket Planes, the iPad Mini will do very well as a gaming device. Who needs a retina screen after all?

You have had all the other iPads, and you don’t want to break your record.

You’re on a roll. You’ve contributed to making Steve Jobs the richest man in the cemetery, although he didn’t want to be that. Why break the streak? Go get that iPad Mini!

Disclaimer: Take this post with or without a dose of sarcasm.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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