Free iOS Apps Today: Download Paid Apps for Free, November 20, 2017

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Here is your weekly dose of free iOS apps to download. Have fun!

Note: These apps are free as of this writing; they may go back to their regular price anytime so download the apps for free while you can.)

Paid apps for free today

Drawn to Kill

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I can train you. I can teach you how to use that bow; how to get bullseyes; how to face off against the dastardly Mac Thundergut, master thief and local bully.

I promise you that this path is not an easy one. I have high standards – assassination is a precise affair. You’ll probably storm off once or twice, or maybe even swear off the life of a ninja. But you’ll be back. You’ll train harder; you’ll get better. And then, you’ll take out Mac Thundergut once and for all.

*Pulls out a scroll* Ahem.

– Choose between two playable characters.
– Master each level as you prepare yourself for 3 unique encounters with Mac Thundergut.
– Unlock Challenge Mode, a brutally fun twist on the original levels.
– Continue your training in “The Endless Holiday” and let the fun never end.
– Get drawn in by our original soundtrack. Oh yes, that pun was intended.


Doug dug.

paid apps for free

Doug is a Dwarf. Doug loves digging. Well, actually he doesn’t: what he likes is to find buried treasure. Anyway, one day Doug decided to gather as much treasure from as deep under the earth as he could go. So Doug dug. And he dug. And he fought monsters and avoided massive avalanches of falling rock. And then he dug some more. And he picked up lots of bling.

Now it’s your turn. Help Doug dig deep down under the earth in the quest for shimmering jewels and precious gold. Go farther and deeper than any of your friends. Find more gold than anyone in the world. Oh but watch out for colossal cave-ins. No they’re really colossal—you won’t believe it. And creepy monsters. And bottomless pits. Ah, don’t worry it’s just a game.

Do you like Spelunky? Dig Dug? Well c’mon you like Minecraft don’t you? Well then you’ll like this. Plus it’s cheaper. And better. Plus your friends are playing it and you don’t want to be left out, do you? Or maybe no one is playing it, in which case you’ll be the one who introduces all your friends to “Doug dug.” Then everyone will say, “Hey look there goes *your name here* who introduced us to ‘Doug dug’ and who is therefore cooler than the rest of us because he/she discovered it first.” One of those two great options is bound to happen.

So what are you waiting for?

Doug dug. Will you?


Six Towers

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Six Towers brings a new and addictive puzzle game to your iOS device. Challenge yourself to unravel and restack six towers into their proper order.

10 000 active players trying to win the Daily Cup.

2 000 000 people have solved at least 1 towers puzzle. 4 000 000 more proved unable to do so.


Square Video for Instagram & Vine

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From the makers of PicPlayPost (video collage) and Acapella (singing collage) presents Square Video for Instagram and Vine.

Never again will the 1:1 frame upload ratio restrict your ability to share your entire video. Square Video empowers you to capture and share your video within the ideal horizontal or vertical viewing ratio (16:9, 2:3…etc). Simply load your content from your camera roll and Square Video will scale your clip to fit within the 1:1 frame, filling the gap with the appropriate letter box.

Features Include:
-Add a blur effect to fill your video or photo
-Change the color of the letter boxes
-Trim your video with the simple editing bar
-Apply filters via the “Effects” tab to your videos
-Insert a clever caption and select from a wide selection of fonts
-Select the perfect song to enhance your moment


Downloader Pro – Multitab Browser & Downloader

free iphone apps

Want to download files like you do on a computer? and need to manage them offline? then this is the perfect app for you.

Downloader Pro is a Multitab browser with advance downloading features.


1. Multitab browsing with easy switching between tabs.
– Long Press and download files
– Open link in a new tab just like we do on desktop browser.
– Differentiate websites based on its logo.
– Easy to reload, switch and delete tab

2. Scan website for available downloads.
– Choose files to download from the list.
– Filter files for scanning or exclude files types from

3. Advance Download Manager.
– Faster downloads
– Add links to download files
– Pause and Resume downloads
– Resume broken downloads
– Background downloading support.
– InApp notifications on download start and complete

4. Advance File Manager
– Move, Rename, Delete and Share files
– Sort files by Name, Date and Size

5. iTunes file sharing support

6. Open files in other apps!

7. Beautiful app design and interactions

8. No Ads and Unlimited Downloads


Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

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