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4 Health and Fitness Apps to Help You Get Ready for Summer

health and fitness apps

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I’ve always been a sucker for apps that are supposed to help you get fit and keep track of your health. That’s a result of a combination of spending too much time in the kitchen and a love for tech. With the amount of food apps and recipes that I constantly look at, I certainly need all the health and fitness apps I can get my hands on. While I do try to keep to healthy cooking Philippines-style, it is not that easy! Our cuisine is rather heavy on fried food…

But I digress, summer is almost here, and it’s not too late to get yourself ready for the season. While you may not get a superhero bod in this short period, there’s still some time to get a little more fit than you are now. Here are some health and fitness apps to help you get ready for summer. (Obviously, things will change by the time iOS 8 officially comes out, but in the meantime…)


health and fitness apps
I’ve been a big fan of Moves app ever since I tried it. It tracks how many steps you take every day, and it also takes into account cycling and transpo. You can also set it to count calories burned. The downside at this point is that Facebook has bought the app, so location tracking is a bit of a concern.

Workout Trainer

health and fitness apps
If you really want to break a sweat and tone your muscles, this app will help you get there. It’s totally free, both for the iPhone and iPad. The workouts, however, are categorized into free and premium.

Authentic Yoga with Deepak Chopra and Tara Stiles

health and fitness apps
If you’re already a fan of Deepak Chopra, and you want a workout that’s low impact, then this app will help you with yoga – from the basics to the more advanced levels. While it’s not free, it’s worth the 99 cents.

Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker

health and fitness apps
Watching what you eat – and how much you eat – is also part of getting your body ready for summer, and this app will help you with that. Powered by MyFitnessPal, the database is humongous, so you won’t have many issues with finding information on what you eat.

More apps to keep you busy:

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10 Replacements for Stock iOS Apps

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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