Wanna Win Some Free Stuff?

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Want some free stuff? Of course you do. My motto is “If it’s free, give me three,” so I completely understand. It’s OK, there are programs for people like you.

Or, you could just handy our little contest. Here’s the deal: We’re giving away a few free copies of MacKeeper, the program reviewed yesterday right here on this very site. So how do you win a copy? It’s simple.

In the comments, leave your name, e-mail, and at least one suggestion for something to add to MacKeeper. Go ahead and get creative, the best entries as judged by the AG staff will win a copy. Cool with you? Good. Now get to it! You have until the Sunday, May 2nd, at 12 am PST.

Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

6 thoughts on “Wanna Win Some Free Stuff?

  1. not much should be changed but…I would love to have the ability to link it to my moblieme idisk to sync things and back up stuff to there since they don’t have a very large online back up feature coming in the future…hope I win …cuz I would love to have this app…thank you

  2. Something I’d like to see is a feature like OmniDiskSweeper where I get directory sizes. Duplicates and old files are nice, but I’d also like to be able to run a full sweep of the drive and see container sizes so I know where I’m using up a ton of storage.

    For example, MacKeeper didn’t show me that I have 10.3 GB of space used in my Downloads folder, nor did it show me that I have two separate (not the same versions) of the iPhone SDK in there. With OmniDiskSweeper I was able to quickly identify that my Downloads folder was really big and determine why.

  3. After all that cleanup of your extraneous files, it would be nice to have a defragmenter to consolidate your remaining files. A larger contiguous free space on the hard drive would benefit swap files.

  4. I would like it to have some kind of iTunes and iPhoto features. iPhoto would be GREAT. I have migrated photos to iPhoto from several different places and they may be the same picture, but not the same file name. I would like it to manage that as well as the rest of my files. Also, if it could clean up iTunes a little. Maybe dup songs that might have different file names. Otherwise it sounds like a GREAT app.

  5. Wow – all I can add, apart from the suggestions above, would be: where did I leave my keys, where is my phone and where did I park my car last night ; )

  6. i love this program, but what i think you should change is that the features are rather repetitive. There are many features on mackeeper that have a program built in on mac that is the exact same, but i do like how you access them in one program. I also suggest a menu-bar icon, so you can scan from the icon and check status of scans withought having to actually open the program in your window. Thanks for your time!!

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