After you update to Leopard 10.5.2 you might think you’re done getting the most current software updates, but no – there’s still one more that you need to grab. After your 10.5.2 update is complete, go to the Software Update and you’ll find a ‘Leopard Graphics Update’.
The 48.6 Mb update, however, isn’t very specific, stating only that it ” is recommended for all users and improves the stability and compatibility of your Mac”.
If you notice any changes after the update, feel free to leave comments below.
Thanks to Ben for sending this in.
14 thoughts on “Leopard graphics update”
I noticed today that when I pluged into a progector at 600*800 resolution, my desktop image automatically changed to the default Leopard screen. That doesn’t exactly sound like a 48 Mb change, but it may be part of it.
I have noticed that the iTunes Image screen saver has been fixed, but not quite sure if it was by the graphics fix or the 10.5.2…. There’s no magenta images anymore!
Yesterday I installed the Leopard graphics update 1.0. After the update no significant changes seemed to have taken place, but today, when I wanted to use the PhotoBooth, I noticed that the onboard camera didn’t work. Also when using Skype, the camera failed. The green light on the right hand side from the camera is on. Does anyone recognize this problem? Does anyone have a solution?
I had keyboard issues after the update. The caps lock and number lock functions worked in reverse. If I had the caps lock turned off, the text would only appear as capital letters and vice versa with the caps locked turned on. The same was true in the case of the number lock key. I downloaded the update and reinstalled it, this time the keyboard seems to be okay. I’ll keep my eyes out for any other glitches.
I seemed to have found a solution to my problem with the webcam. I reseted the PRam and the NVRam: shut down the computer. Push the power button and immediately push alt, command, P and R at the same time. The computer will now restart itself a couple of times (the display will be lit, but if I remember correctly the apple sign won’t show). After 3 or 4 times you can release the buttons, the computer will start completely and the PRam and NVRam will be reseted. After this, the webcam worked perfectly again. Perhaps other problems can be solved in the same way? I was told it couldn’t harm you Mac, so it might be worth to try it out. Good luck.
I have a major problem after downloading the ”Leopard Graphic Update 1.0”. My computer can’t start anymore.
I use a PowerBook G4. I have updated to Leopard 10.5.2. Yesterday, I updated with ”Leopard Graphic Update 1.0”. The installation went well.
Today, I started my computer. I was abble to see the desk. But, I couldn’t start many applications (Aperçu, Safari, Microsoft Office and so on). I restarted my computer.
Now, my computer is freeze at the Apple sign.
Finally, I was abble to talk to the Apple Care Service (after two hours of waithing). I was told to do a checkup with ”Utilitaire de disque”.
Hope it will fix the bug…
I work at an apple store. We installed the update then tried our demos for some of the EA games. The difference was like night and day. They look soo much better. If you play any games, check it out.
I have a Macbook (late 2007 rework) – 2,2 GHz, 1GB RAM, 120GB HDD.
When installed Graphic Update I reinstalled Heroes V from Freeverse and all the glitches (like dark lights and poligon cutoffs) disappeared!
No problems yet.
A day after the update, I have and on-and-off (mostly on) problem with avi, mov, and dvd (but not mpeg for some reason) playback. Its not very noticeable in windowed viewing, but in full screen, the video has this pink and tan checker pattern all over it. I hope its the update and not my graphics card dying.
i just bookmarked this page and noticed the same pattern in the firefox dropdown menu for bookmarks.
I notice after the update that my computer routinely restarts itself for no apparent reason. There is no message after restarting, it just does it. Extremely annoying.
No problems yet )) Everything comes really good. But Intel Graphics card really suxxx (( I was playin Heroes V on 1280×800 with LOW settings in graphics and it’s the only one mode that looks and being played well….
This update is BAD NEWS! for anyone with a Macbook pro using GeForce 8600M GT
After the update the system constantly freezes during operation. People have reported freezing with specific operations as well as totally random occurrences.
I wouldn’t be so mad if my system was locking up during a game, but my system is for work.
Apples *fix* for this issue is to re-install the operating system and don’t do the update.
Awesome.. That’s no trouble at all!
Macbook Pro users beware.
Apple Discussion:
After installing Leopard Graphics Update my MBP would freeze when I use Microsoft Office 2008 Excel. When Excel window is resized entire MBP freezes. I had to restore entire system from Time Machine. I use MBP C2D 2.6GHz, 4GB RAM