I was posting another Knight Rider related story over at TV Jab – and it became necessary for me to find a picture of Val Kilmer (since he has replaced Will Arnett as the voice of KITT in the series) – and low and behold, look what I found:
You throw just a little more gray into that beard, and old Val is looking like a certain Apple co-founder…
If they make a ‘Pirates of Silicon Valley’ remake – Val has the job nailed.
8 thoughts on “Is this Val Kilmer or Steve Wozniak?”
Seriously what happened to him. If someone told me 10 years ago iceman from top gun is going to look like a whale I would have never believed them.
Holy crap! I HOPE he’s gaining weight for a role. Just to think…he was BATMAN.
I think he’s beefing up to play the role of Michael Moore in the live-action version of Team America!
Just needs a little mustard on the front of that shirt…
maybe he is getting ready for celebrity biggest loser
that’s not val kilmer
He’s got another movie he is to be in, but its not listed on the Imdb web site, I read about it the other day and can’t remember it.
Yea, he really went to hell from his day as “The Saint’ with Elizabeth Shoe!
Sad what money does to you.
He probably grew the beard for a role.
He’s 10 years older than me and as my taste in men changes
so I find he is just as attractive to me now as he was when he was
younger. Lets hope he finds women near his age just as attractive…lol
Imagine that you’re Val Kilmer.
Sex smbol, heart-throb, etc. What kind of pressure does that
standard, and the need to maintain it, put on people?
Too much.
I think he finally said to himself that he wasn’t going
to struggle to be an “idol” the way most of Hollywood
types do.
I have more respect for the guy for letting himself
become likje the rest of us middle-aged men then
to resort to all kinds of nonsense like surgery, lipo,
etc. to try and maintain a Hollywood-created image.
God bless him!