Bernstein Research claims no Apple Phone at Macworld

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Bernstein Research analyst Toni Sacconaghi is convinced that we’ll have to wait a bit longer before seeing the long rumored Apple Phone.  His reason for this?

“Apple has not yet received FCC approval for a phone, and our analysis suggests that phones have typically become available two months after FCC approval,” Mr. Sacconaghi wrote Thursday in a report. “It is possible that Apple could introduce the product, and set a future availability date, but we think this represents a low probability.”

The article, from Red Herring, goes on to state that Macworld is where Apple typically unveils it’s  newest Macintosh Computer products, and that a phone/iPod hybrid would likely call for a separate event.

I have to say that I completely disagree with this for a few reasons.

1)  “It is possible that Apple could introduce the product, and set a future availability date, but we think this represents a low probability.” – Why is this a low probability?  The article claims that this is “Not Apple’s Style”.  While they don’t do it all the time, I do have to point out a little device code named iTV that was show at the Showtime event last year…maybe you’ve heard of it.  That product didn’t even have an official name and Apple announced it.  I don’t think this “not being Apple’s style” really holds water.

2)  Macworld is where Apple typically unveils it’s  newest Macintosh Computer products – This line right here is where I think most people are getting it completely wrong.  I don’t think for a second that the Apple Phone is going to be an iPod that makes phone calls. Who would want that?  This new product is going to be more like the Newton than the iPod.  It’s going to be Mac Mobile.  It will make sense to unveil it at Macoworld because it WILL BE Apple’s newest Macintosh Computer.

Now there’s no disputing that Apple hasn’t received FFC approval for a phone…unless they’ve somehow managed to keep that quiet, which is unlikely…but that fact alone does not, in my opinion, lessen the chance of the Apple Phone being unveiled at Macworld.

We’ll know soon enough…

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

2 thoughts on “Bernstein Research claims no Apple Phone at Macworld

  1. fcc approvals is where all the shots of “not yet official” devices leak from. i don’t think that apple would risk seeing fcc shots of their phone making the rounds before they announced it themselves. thus, i consider a presentation before the approval more probable.

  2. I’m really hoping for an iPhone. If there’s a pre-announcement for a phone coming months from now, that would be disappointing, but certainly good enough for me.

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