Apple Stands by iMovie ’08

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imovie08.jpgApple spoke with USA Today in an article published this morning, making it clear that they’re standing by iMove ’08. I think I made my stance on it pretty clear last week with this post, but I’m glad to see not only Apple sticking up for the application, but also Mac Daily News contributor SteveJack who is a 15+ year professional TV producer and video editor.

I think both the Mac Daily News article, and the USA Today piece, do a very good job of explaining that Apple is looking to get people interested in using their video in the way they’re interested in taking photos. That’s what the goal of iMovie ’08 is – and I think it does a very, very good job of making editing fun, easy, and in no way tedious.

from the article:

“Apple isn’t apologizing. It says it wants a new audience for iMovie and that the redesign had to happen. ‘The consumer video-editing industry is dying,’ says Rob Schoeben, Apple’s vice president of applications and product marketing. ‘It got crushed by digital photography,'”

“Most camcorder owners never bother with video editing. Yet they will use software programs such as Apple’s iPhoto to manage their pictures and growing collection of video clips from still cameras, Schoeben says. Apple was forced to do a ‘radical reinvention’ of iMovie to get its users to work with their video clips, he says. Schoeben believes video novices will find it easier to edit with iMovie and, thus, use the program more. ‘This may be controversial at first, but long term … we’ll be fine.’

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

3 thoughts on “Apple Stands by iMovie ’08

  1. I couldn’t agree more. It’s much easier for me to use the new version of iMovie than the previous version. Now it only takes about an evening to make a nice movie instead of the week or so I had to use in june. 🙂

  2. Apple’s position is precisely on target. iMovie ’08 is easy and fun to use. I think it will revive video editing and turn it into something like cutting and pasting a Word or Powerpoint document.

    My hat is off to Apple for taking this bold step!

    If anyone has any questions, just try iMovie ’08, and you’ll see a vision and first release of a new approach to the future of consumer video editing!

    Further comments are appreciated.


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