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Aperture 3: Now with Faces and Places

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The first time I learned about iPhoto’s Faces and Places feature, I wasn’t exactly excited. Did I really need my photo management app to recognize my friends and family’s faces?

Fast forward several months later, and wouldn’t you know? I love it. Especially Faces, which- after a bit of “training”- organizes my photos according to the people in them, generating a neat-o virtual corkboard, like so:

Places, on the other hand, adds a whole new dimension to my travel photos. I don’t have a GPS-enabled camera, so it’s less automated for me, but the ability to immediately find photos I took on my latest trips to Hong Kong or San Francisco is most welcome.

Today, Apple released Aperture 3, which- among other cool things (like Full Screen Browsing and Brushes!)- adds Faces and Places. Awesome news for my husband, who uses Aperture for his professional photography business. I’m thinking Faces in particular will come in handy for organizing his clients’ photos.

Aperture 3’s suggested retail price is $199. Existing Aperture users can upgrade for $99.

Picture of Lorraine Barte Nepomuceno

Lorraine Barte Nepomuceno

2 thoughts on “Aperture 3: Now with Faces and Places

  1. Downloaded the trial and ordered it immediately. At Macworld Expo 2009 I asked one of the Apple people why Faces and Places couldn’t be in Aperture. I mean, why continue to add all these new and cool features to the low-end product and ignore the high-end one. He told me Apple would probably add these features to Aperture eventually and, well, here it is! That said, Aperture has a TON of other new and cool features that made upgrading a no-brainer. The changes in editing are incredible. If you enjoy Aperture now, you will LOVE the new features.

  2. Thanks, RayCon- looks like Apple listened to you! And yes, apparently Aperture 3 has over 200 new features. Definitely worth checking out.

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