About Apple Gazette

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Michael Murphey

Drew Corbitt
Creative Consultant/Writer

Jacob Gower
Executive Director

For Advertising information please contact Dave Hamilton at Backbeat Media.

Welcome to Apple Gazette.com – Your Ultimate Guide to Thinking Different

selfportrait.jpgApple Gazette is a very different kind of Apple Blog.

Most Apple related blogs are written by a large number of contributors who submit several posts a day on the topics they can find around the web.

The other popular method of Apple blogging is to run a rumors site, filled with all the latest gossip and (usually completely unfounded) rumors about upcoming Apple products.

Apple Gazette isn’t quite like either of these. Apple Gazette has a pretty consistent voice, because it’s primarily written by one guy – me.

Hi. I’m Michael.

Anyway, with the exception of Drew’s “New User” Column, a few guest columns and some posts in the archives from when the site first launched, Apple Gazette is written completely by me. I am a professional blogger working for the Bloggy Network (the owners of Apple Gazette, and the other blogs that I write for). I write daily on Apple Gazette and Tv Jab.

I hope that having one voice throwing opinions around on the site helps to give it a more personal feel. That’s the idea anyway.

The name “Apple Gazette” also has a purpose. It’s supposed to sound more “news-like”, like an old Apple Newspaper or Fanzine. While I do cover a good portion of the Apple related rumors on the site, it is typically with a wide dose of skepticism, and general distaste for rumor mongering. I learned very early on in this blogging experience, that I don’t want to be a rumor monger if I can help it (I have not always succeeded).

I also produce a daily audio podcast covering the latest news and info in and around the world of Apple, Inc called Apple Gazette Daily. Acts of God aside, the podcast is posted every Mon – Fri.

Thanks for stopping by the site. Hopefully you’ll find something useful here, I’m trying very hard to offer up a bit more than just the same old news that you find on all the other blogs. If Apple Gazette is going to stand out, I’m going to have to try and “Think Different”…your suggestions and comments are always welcome on the site. You can also email me at michael (at) applegazette (dot) com with questions, comments, hate mail…whatever…

If you’d like to subscribe to the site’s RSS Feed, you can do so by clicking here.



Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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