The iPhone is “Tiger Only” and DOES have a SIM Card Slot

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UPDATE: The SIM Card Slot WILL NOT work with T-Mobile Sim Cards, so it’s still going to be AT&T Only.

indexhero20070109.jpgMacrumors has just posted the full specs for the iPhone, and there is some interesting information in here…

First, if you didn’t upgrade from Panther to Tiger – and I know there are some of you out there – you’re out of luck on the iPhone…it requires a Mac with a USB 2.0 port and Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later…

Plus, the specs confirm that the iPhone will, in fact, have a SIM Card Tray…which is good news as it means you’ll be able to simply pop your current SIM Card into the device, instead of having to have At&t activate it for you.

Full Specs below the jump…

• System requirements
– Mac or PC
– iTunes 7
– Internet access is required, and a broadband connection is recommended
– Mac: Mac with a USB 2.0 port, Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later
– PC: Windows PC with a USB 2.0 port and Windows XP Home or Professional (Service Pack 2)
• External Controls
– Volume Up / Down
– Ringer / Silent
– Power / Lock
– Sleep / Wake
– Menu Button
• Dimensions
– 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.46 inches / 115 x 61 x 11.6mm
• Weight 4.8 ounces / 125 grams
• Input Method – Multi-touch
• Operating System – OS X
• Screen size – 3.5 inches
• Screen resolution – 320 x 480 at 160 ppi
• Storage – 4GB or 8GB
• GSM – Quad-band (MHz: 850, 900, 1800, 1900)
• Wireless data
– Wi-Fi (802.11b/g) + EDGE + Bluetooth 2.0
• Camera – 2.0 megapixels
• Battery
– Lithium
– Up to 5 hours – Talk / Video / Browsing
– Up to 16 hours – Audio playback
(Battery life varies by use)
• Connectors and other input & output
– 30 pin iPod connector
– 3.5mm jack includes audio and mic support
– SIM tray
– Built-in speaker
– Built-in microphone

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

17 thoughts on “The iPhone is “Tiger Only” and DOES have a SIM Card Slot

  1. “Screen size – 3.5 inches”

    Wonder how long it’ll be till they have a 1 foot multitouch “roll-out” screen.

  2. That would be cool. I get annoyed when i remember that the iPhone won’t be coming out in the UK for a few months! But i guess that means there will be bug fixes and what not before i can get it so it evens out (just!)

  3. Hopefully by the time iPhone reach Asia in 2008, it will be 2nd generation device with more improved features and bug free. Looking forward to this new Toy from Apple.

  4. @ Steve –

    Still wondering that myself…although even if you can, I would imagine things like the visual voicemail won’t work properly.

  5. @jay
    Fear not, in Europe we have a long standing and fine reputation for unlocking our GSM phones within hours after walking out of the carrier’s shop…

  6. Okay so I have T-Mobile, and it has the same SIM as a cingular phone, so would I be able to put my SIM in there and it work? and also, this question ifs for mennecke, do you have a website I can go to?

    Take care everyone, and I hope you all are watching what happens live today with me!

  7. buyer beware. I live in the US and bought an MDA Pro smartphone in the UK , the phone was locked for the UK t-mobile network. Even though I use tmobile USA, I was unable to use the telephone. THe locking/unlocking function was on the phone’s motherboard and I was only given 3 opportunities to unlock the phone before it locked permanently. Even though there is a SIM slot in the iPhone, there’s no way that phone is not going to be locked to the ATT network since ATT is currently the sole distributor. Once the iPhone comes out, will one of you technophiles please share your experience using the device on a non ATT carrier using your own SIM?

  8. The iphone sim slot is at the top of the phone where the little pin hole is, you need a paper clip to get it out though. Just before the on/off button.


  10. I live in Australia and the iphone is comin out in like 8 days!!!!! im so excited but i hope its worth the money. Just wanted to know what are the cost for surfing the web on your iphone??? any ideas???

  11. my friend gots and iphone that he unlocked and I’m getin it friday and all I gotta do is call tmobile and tell um I got the phone and it will be hooked up to there’s and get a cheaper internet tooo

    can’t wait to get the iphone sooo fckin cool has and nes rom with aload of games

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