Putting Your iPod Touch / iPhone on Kitchen Duty

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If, like me, you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, you might want to bring along your iPod Touch or iPhone. No more hauling around heavy cookbooks or having to find the space for a tv with a huge footprint- from recipes in text documents to videos of Julia Child, you’ve got it all in your iPhone.

And then there are the apps. I’ve posted before about one of the cooking apps I use, and here’s one that I love even more: AllRecipes.com’s Dinner Spinner Pro.

Yes, it’s a cutesy name, but once you try this app you’ll see how apt it is. Don’t know what to prepare for dinner? The “spinner” lets you select a course type (e.g. Dessert, Main Dish, etc.), ingredients you already have (or feel like having), as well as how long the dish will take to make. Home cooks across the world, rejoice! You can search through AllRecipes.com’s massive recipe database, and read ratings and reviews from other cooks. Dinner Spinner is $2.99 at the App Store.

Of course, if you’re using your iPhone or iPod Touch heavily in the kitchen, you’ll want to protect it with a good, waterproof case. I myself am partial to this one:

The Rugged, Water-Resistant, Crushproof Case by OtterBox is $49.95- but, of course, the peace of mind it gives me is priceless.

Do you use your iPod Touch or iPhone in the kitchen?

Picture of Lorraine Barte Nepomuceno

Lorraine Barte Nepomuceno

One thought on “Putting Your iPod Touch / iPhone on Kitchen Duty

  1. My wife uses her iPhone all the time in the kitchen. She likes to look up recipes as well as find information about different ingredients. I will definitely suggest this app to her!

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