In another bit of iPhone news that is great for those abroad, UK readers will be glad to know that 02 has dropped their “fair use” policy from the iPhone plans. The plan would have limited data usage to 200mb (which I can tell you wouldn’t have done you much good. I used 200mbs this weekend alone).
Their TOS now reads:
“There is no limit on the monthly network usage. However if we feel that your activities are so excessive that other customers are detrimentally affected, we may give you a written warning (by email or otherwise). In extreme circumstances, if the levels of activity do not immediately decrease after the warning, we may terminate or suspend your Services.”
That’s much better. You could still find yourself getting a nasty email if you spend too much time on your iPhone while on the train, but I doubt many will have to deal with that.
via TUAW
2 thoughts on “O2 removes the 200mb “Fair Use” policy for iPhone”
This sold me the iPhone all over again.
I couldn’t believe that the iPhone was going to be 200MB!!!!!! That is ridiculous. I nearly cried. Glad to see it now though!
This is somewhat off topic, but I love the guy in the picture (see the reflection). 🙂 What a great shot!