How to Check App Data Usage on iPhone

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If you’re not on an unlimited data plan, then every byte that your iPhone uses up is precious data. Knowing how much data you use every month is essential in making sure you don’t reach your data cap that fast. Which apps on your iPhone use up most of your data? Are you benefitting from all of these data usages? How do you control which apps can use your data and which apps can only connect over Wi-Fi?

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to check how much data you use and which apps use the most. You can keep your data usage in check and ensure that every byte is accounted for. Here’s how to check app data usage on your iPhone:

  1. On your iPhone, open the Settings app.
  2. At the first section of the list, you should see and select the Cellular option. Depending on the iPhone you’re using, it may also be indicated as Mobile Data or Cellular Data, but they’re all the same.
  3. Scroll down the screen until you see the Cellular Data or Use Data For section. From there, you’ll be able to see how much data you’ve used up so far. If you use your Personal Hotspot, you can also see how much data you’ve shared with other devices.

Do note that the information about how much you’ve used up depends on the carrier you’re using. Most of them feature a section called Current Period as well as Current Period Roaming. The reason why this is separate is that they are charged at different rates. In case you don’t find the Current Period section, contact your carrier and inquire about this.

Aside from the Current Period, you should also be able to see a list of all the apps currently installed on your iPhone. Below each app indicates how much data it has used up. If your iPhone is operating on iOS 11, the apps would be arranged in alphabetical order. However, if it’s operating on iOS 12 or later, the apps would be sorted by usage, with the most usage on top.

Scroll down the list and you’ll find the System Services section. Tap on this and your screen will display all the basic services on your iPhone and its corresponding data usage. Essentially, this amount of data usage was needed to provide communication services and cannot be changed.

On the other hand, you do have control over which apps can use data on your iPhone. Here’s how to enable or disable them from the Cellular Data section in the Settings app:

  1. You’ll see from the list that each app has a corresponding toggle on its right side.
  2. Toggle it on if you want to allow the app to use your cellular data.
  3. Toggle it off if you want to disable the app from having access to your cellular data. Once you’ve turned it off, you’ll only be able to use the app if your iPhone is connected to Wi-Fi.

Apart from controlling which apps can use your mobile data, what else can you do to limit your iPhone data usage? Make sure your iPhone is operating on iOS 13 or later and you can enable Low Data Mode. This feature alters a number of settings on your iPhone to help it save on data. Follow these steps to enable this feature:

  1. On your iPhone, open the Settings app.
  2. Tap on Cellular.
  3. Select Cellular Data Options. From here, you will find the Low Data Mode option. Toggle it on to enable this feature. In case your iPhone is on 5G, you might have to choose a Data Mode category prior to finding the Low Data Mode option.

One of the ways that this feature helps save up on data is by pausing automatic updates as well as prefetching. Low Data Mode basically stops your iPhone from using unnecessary data. This feature can definitely help if you’re looking to save on your data.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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