Back Up Your iPhone Without iTunes on Windows-Based Machines

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There are a number of reasons you may prefer to back up your phone without having to rely on the usual suspects – iTunes or a Mac. It happens. Maybe you’ve run out of storage space on iCloud. Maybe you just don’t have immediate access to a Mac when you need it. Or, the version of iTunes on your PC has been corrupted. These are all very possible reasons to have to use another method.

In this article, I am going to introduce you to a program that will give you the ability to back up your phone with ease. In fact, it is about as easy as snapping your fingers.

Plus, the software I am going to discuss here will not fill your system nor will it install any of that annoying bloatware.

The program is called:

iBackupBot for Windows


This happens to be one of those programs that actually is one of the best at what it is supposed to do. In other words, it does just one thing. But, boy, does it ever do that one thing well. What makes this program even more attractive is that it is completely free.

I understand how frustrating it can be to sometimes copy files from your iPhone to a Windows-based machine. It doesn’t matter if that file is a photo or an mp3 or a recording. Well, this software will let you do any of that with ease and not only by backing it up but by working directly with your phone.

That, in my opinion, it the best feature of iBackupBot for Windows.

Speaking of features, there are some pretty nifty ones that are included in this free software. For example, there is a RAW file system browsing and importing.

RAW browsing

This lets you simply copy any file you want.

One more frustration that exists is trying to locate the directory where your back up files are stored. With iBackupBot for Windows, you actually get to choose where on your system you want to store the backups.

There are many different types of software back up programs – and I am speaking more about the paid programs than I am about the free ones – that will not work at all if your iTunes happens to be corrupted for any reason. Well, iBackupBot for Windows is different in this regard. In fact, iTunes corrupted or not will have no impact on the backup process as this program operates on an individual level altogether.

So let’s just say you have just completed a back up with this program. Now you feel that you’d like to beef up the security on that backup file you just created.

Encrypt Backup

You can encrypt it with a simple click.

Speaking of ease of use, iBackupBot for Windows does a lot more. Let’s suppose that for some reason the restore engine from iTunes isn’t working for you. The software itself will provide you with its own built-in engine and your problem is solved. In my opinion, the built-in one works faster and more efficiently than the iTunes one. But that’s me.

If you are what would be considered a more advanced user, you will be able to take advantage of a system log that will reveal to you all available errors that you may encounter during a backup…or while browsing.



It is a very helpful little extra feature especially if you are working in a data recovery industry. Hint-Hint!

Back up software should be straightforward. It should be designed to just perform the backup process without a whole lot of useless features. Also, back up software should not be complicated or you may not get in the habit of using it when in actual fact you should back up your files on a regular basis. Back up software should also be a small enough program that it doesn’t fill up your operating system with tons of data you don’t need or bloatware that just eats up more valuable space on your phone or machine.

Then there are the complications of using iTunes for backing up which I like to categorize as being partly frustrating and partly the fault of poor functionality. So if you are seeking an alternative that is easy to use, quick and simple as well as free to download and use, then you should seriously take a look at iBackupBot for Windows.

For more information on this great little tool, visit the developer’s website and that is also where you will be able to download your copy for free. There are no strings attached whatsoever. I highly recommend iBackupBot for Windows and once you start using it you’ll quit backing up your phone the way you had been doing up to this point.

Author Bio

Yevgeniy Kapishon is a hardcore techno enthusiast, a senior data recovery engineer and a blogger at ADRS® Aesonlabs Data Recovery Systems, living in Toronto, Canada. In his free time, he likes to wander and explore the back alleys of his neighborhood or carve into his favorite sci-fi flicks.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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