Apple rejects Opera Browser, not surprising, but still upsetting

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According to a New York Times profile, Opera Software has built a version of their mobile browser for the iPhone – but Apple won’t allow it in the App Store.

Frankly, I find this appalling.

Apple’s resistance to competing apps such as email applications, web browsers and other apps is shameful, and it’s not benefitting iPhone owners in the slightest. Imagine what it would be like if the Mac was like this. Imagine if you couldn’t choose any other web browser but Safari in OS X.

Competition FUELS Innovation. Without it, the iPhone will not see innovations the way that other platforms have. I know some of you are going to come out in defense of Apple in this – stating that “it’s Apple’s sandbox, if we want to play in it we have to play by their rules”.

And you’re right.

That is the way that it is right now. The problem is that the iPhone App Store has already grown so large that it is no longer a “get rich quick” arena. Now, there is so much in the store, you truly have to make something special to stand out – and you have to SCREAM to be heard.

Developers aren’t going to stand for this forever. Right now Google is building an ARMY of phones — and while their OS may not be as elegant as the iPhone — the fact hat developers have the same freedom to develop on the Android platform that they would on a desktop WILL fuel innovation on that device.

If Apple keeps this up — the App store will eventually only be filled with a few select corporate partners. Maybe that’s what Apple wants…but that’s not what I want for my iPhone.

How about you?

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

11 thoughts on “Apple rejects Opera Browser, not surprising, but still upsetting

  1. I don’t like Opera anyway, even on the Mac desktop; and the reason Apple rejected it is quite clear to me:
    Opera requires Flash to run properly, and we all know what that means. Apple has already stated: No
    Flash on the iPhone; as it’s a resource PIG; and requires a lot of stuff running in the back round. This
    We All Know Apple has Stated is Against the EULA in the SDK for The App. Store.

  2. While it may seem a little nuts, it’s not as if any other big Firm hasn’t done the same.
    opera for Windows CE/Mobile is only a java app, and not a fully usuable programme, so it’s no different on other platforms. Maybe Google will get it right with Android, one can only hope.

  3. I hate Apple for this. If I had an iPhone, it would definitely be jailbroken. That’s it. I support my friends who choose G1 over iPhone.

  4. Safari is pretty useless on a mac. I’ve never used Opera, But the web is a lot better on Firefox than Safari. And does many things Safari doesn’t do such as Stumble upon, proper RSS feeds, customizable search bars…

    If Safari was a more usable browser I wouldn’t mind but as of now it isn’t very good so Apple’s arguement on duplicating functionality doesn’t stand.

    It is nice they have the App Store but exercising this kind of control is dangerous.

  5. This is just silly.

    Safari isn’t a terrible browser, but going out of your way to lock customers into it is just ridiculous. As a desktop platform, I love Mac OS X and Apple hardware — but I run Camino as a browser.

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I had little problem with Apple not allowing (or providing tools) for any third party development on the iPhone. But picking and choosing the way it has is silly — especially given the amount of pure crap in the App Store.

  6. @Gary
    I used to use Firefox and it got slower and slower, I don’t know about the latest because I have not went back.
    Safari is for me and I am using the webkit, it’s fast and it has built in spell check. I don’t need extensions to enhance Safari. It is stable enough for me because I restart my Mac every few days.
    Anyway to each his own.

  7. Safari on the Mac is useless? Funny, I don’t use anything else and have successfully used the internet a lot of times. I’ve even posted this very message with Safari! Define ‘useless’, please.

  8. Why would I want to use software written by a company that’s not even smart enough to read the SDK rules before investing money in development?

  9. Have we any word from Opera’s developers stating these news reports are accurate, or is the only source this one second hand report all we have to work with. Personally I like to have things confirmed by a second source prior to assuming we have all the facts. 🙂

    Check out this article, his argument seems more likely, and if true, Apple’s decision more reasonable.

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