Apple is looking for a “iPhone Flash File System Engineer” – Flash on iPhone confirmed?

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iphonereleasedatecountdown_20070110110016.jpgSeems like this would confirm that there will be Flash support on the iPhone. Thanks to the sleuthing skills of pladeo it looks like Apple is looking both on their official site and Craig’s List for an “iPhone Flash file System Engineer”.

I can’t imagine why you’d need one of those if you weren’t going to have the device support Flash. Having said that, we don’t have any confirmation that Flash support will be in the Safari browser itself…

What do you think? Does this confirm anything for us?

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

6 thoughts on “Apple is looking for a “iPhone Flash File System Engineer” – Flash on iPhone confirmed?

  1. I think it confirms that even though it’s already a very cool device that it’s still a work in progress and the best is yet to come.

  2. I think the posting is ambigious as to if they mean Flash like adobe, or Flash like memory. Personal, given the full title, I think they mean the storage medium.

  3. Flash memory, methinks. If Safari (on iPhone) doesn’t already support Flash, I’d be surprised, since it’s being billed as a “fully featured browser” on the iPhone.

  4. If you work on an embedded device, you’ll find that a “flash file system engineer” is quite a common need. And it is indeed the compact flash file system, not Adobe Flash. Compact flash (in addition to the 4/8 gigs on the phone, is where you store your bootable operating system and all your config information, etc, etc, etc.

    There are quite a few tricks involved with flash file systems since, for example, failing to update the flash successfully when doing an OS upgrade might leave one with a brick. Which would be bad. And it’s not untypical to store your OS encrypted or at least digitally signed and quite often compressed.

    If one is sufficiently bored, one could start reading someplace like which talks about Linux-based compact flash file systems.


  5. Thats a job for a flash file system engineer which has nothing whatsoever to do with the commecrial product named Flash.


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