San Diego Is My Home and several other sites are reporting that Apple is spreading a little seasonal cheer to kids who were victims in the recent San Diego area wild fires.
Jobs and Co. are handing out iPods to high school students who lost their homes and belongings thanks to local resident Steve Boyack. When Steve noticed that the high school kids were getting left out of the local toy drives and fund raisers he called Apple to see if they could help, and they responded with iPod Nanos for the victims.
Sometimes we give Apple grief for the price of some items, or the “corporate” decisions they make – but this is an example of what makes the company different from others. While yes, it certainly is good PR, not every company would be so generous. I’m glad to see that Apple is.
2 thoughts on “Apple gives away iPods to San Diego wildfire victims”
Great. So they can plug them into what? The computer they lost in the fire? How about giving them some clothes, or maybe some food? I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer the $200 in cash so I could get a hotel room for a week. You know, while I look for a new house.
Every Apple site is talking about this great thing that Apple did. Come on, I think an iPod is the last thing these kids need right now.
Don’t get me wrong, what a cool thing for Apple to do. Not every company is willing to just give their stuff away to charity. But, I think that Steve Boyack guy could use a lesson or two in priorities.
Maybe contact a company like Old Navy and ask them what they’re doing with the stuff that’s out of season that’s going in the trash. I’m sure those kids could use some clothes.
I think you’re missing the point.
Of course they need cloths and shelter – there are other groups helping in those areas.
Having something like an iPod given as a gift is very much like giving a gift to Toys for Tots. Kids enjoy having things like iPods. Having something like this can make them feel better – and if they wan the cash they can put the sucker on eBay and do just fine.
Do kids NEED toys at Christmas? No…but it sure does make them happy, and there’s nothing wrong with helping do that.