How to Maintain Healthy Brain Function

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The brain is the body’s command center, controlling cognitive functions like memory, learning, emotions, and behavior. Additionally, it regulates physiological functions, including immune responses, the nervous system, appetite, cardiovascular function, and more.

However, the brain’s cells or neurons are more vulnerable to aging than any body cells. The decline occurs due to lifestyle activities that contribute to oxidative stress. Therefore, keeping your brain healthy is paramount to preventing or delaying age-related neural degeneration.

So, which steps can you take to maintain your brain’s healthy function as you advance in age? Keep reading for lifestyle adjustment tips that may help enhance the longevity of your brain function.

1. Take Fisetin Pro-longevity Supplements

Dietary supplements often have botanical ingredients that support health and well-being, and fisetin is one such supplement. Fisetin supplements contain fisetin as their primary active ingredient, and their primary function is supporting longevity and cellular health, including brain cell health.

So, what is fisetin, and how does it support longevity? Fisetin (3,3′,4′,7-tetrahydroxyflavone) is a phytochemical (plant-based chemical) from the flavonoid family. It occurs naturally in various fruits and vegetables, including strawberries, apples, kiwis, mangoes, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, and nuts.

Although research into fisetin and other dietary nutraceuticals (food sources with health benefits other than their nutritional value) is in the preliminary stages, existing evidence shows that fisetin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in study animals relevant to human diseases, including neurological disease.

Therefore, consider adding fisetin supplements to your wellness regimen to enhance your brain’s health. Nonetheless, fisetin supplements vary quality-wise, so search for the best fisetin supplements made in FDA-registered facilities and featuring unique formulas for enhanced bioavailability and safety for daily use.

2. Engage In Mentally-stimulating Activities

One similarity between brain and skeletal muscles is that inactivity weakens them. So, while weakened skeletal muscles from physical inactivity result in difficulty or even pain while performing the simplest tasks, weakened brain muscles result in brain function and cognitive decline. Therefore, mental workouts are as crucial as physical exercises in maintaining brain health and wellness.

Mental exercises or mentally stimulating activities are any engagements that activate or enrich the brain cells. Such activities enhance the brain’s plasticity or neural plasticity.

Neural plasticity is the brain’s capacity to adapt to structural and functional changes by forming new pathways and connections. Moreover, while neuroplasticity enhances existing cognitive abilities, it eliminates unused connections. Therefore, remaining mentally inactive can cause vital cognitive connections to die.

Simple yet stimulating activities that enhance the brain’s health and function include:

  • Learning a new skill
  • Expanding your vocabulary/ learning a new language
  • Practicing mindfulness and meditation
  • Listening to music
  • Playing board games
  • Solving puzzles
  • Arts and crafts

3. Engage In Physical Exercise

Physical exercise has several benefits for the brain’s well-being and function, as highlighted below. First, physical activity increases blood flow to the brain.

Elevated cerebral blood flow (blood flow to the brain) ensures the brain cells receive ample nutrients and oxygen for their function. Moreover, it prevents the blood vessels leading to the brain from stiffening and causing neurovascular dysfunction; neurovascular dysfunction is among the risk factors for Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Second, physical factors may stimulate the release of growth factors that enhance brain cell health and survival. The growth factors induce a trophic effect (pro-survival action on target cells) on the brain’s neurons. Some growth factors even stimulate the proliferation of new brain cells in specific brain areas.

Third, physical exercise may improve blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. All three highlighted physical health biomarkers as risk factors for some neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia.

Fourth, physical exercise triggers the brain to release feel-good chemicals. The feel-good chemicals counter mental stress, which is also detrimental to healthy brain health and function.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Most societies associate sleep with laziness and glorify pulling all-nighters working, yet sleep is crucial for the optimum functioning of multiple body systems and organs, including the brain. Therefore, strive to get the recommended minimum of seven hours of sleep every night to maintain healthy brain function.

So, how does ample sleep help preserve brain function? Sleep allows the brain to conduct various cognitive functions, including memory consolidation. It also removes plaque from the brain and regenerates some brain sections for optimum function.

In contrast, inadequate sleep causes some neurons to malfunction, altering behavior and impeding physical and mental functions. Therefore, consider establishing a healthy sleep routine to help your body and mind rejuvenate.

5. Eat Healthier, Brain-friendly Foods

As highlighted above, lifestyle choices affect brain health. The brain relies on the food you eat for nourishment, so poor diet choices are among the lifestyle factors that cause neurodegeneration.

In contrast, healthier food options improve the brain’s function because the brain links to other body systems, including the immune and cardiovascular systems. Eating healthy keeps the body healthy and lowers the risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases.

So, create meal plans incorporating plenty of fruits, leafy green vegetables, complex carbohydrates, oily fish, legumes, and nuts. Besides ample essential nutrients like polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, such foods contain phenolic compounds with nutraceutical properties like antioxidants and anti-inflammation to counter neurodegeneration.



Healthy brain function is crucial for longevity and healthy aging. However, living a healthy lifestyle in your prime is essential to maintaining brain health as you age. Therefore, follow the tips above to boost your brain cells and function for longevity.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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