Exams are the most stressful period in the life of the average student. You have to deal with enormous preparation materials during exams and an almost unbearable amount of stress. At such moments, simple and short tips on improving your performance in the discipline in the shortest possible time will help you.
Today we bring you six practical tips on how to significantly improve your essay-writing skills in just a few evenings. Together with us, you will quickly master advanced research skills and several valuable techniques for improving writing and learn how to use the essay writing app for iPhone with our simple guide to use the IOS writing app.
#1 Use Essay Writing Apps
You can use different essay-writing apps if you have an iPhone, iPad, or any other type of smartphone. These apps can help you plan and structure your essay, find relevant literature, and check your spelling and grammar.
Here are some of the best essay-writing apps currently available on the market:
- Grammarly is a top-rated app that helps you check your grammar and spelling in real-time. The app also has more than 400 grammar rules, making it perfect for students who need to write papers for language classes. Grammarly is free, but you can get additional features if you pay for them.
- IAWriter is a handy writing app for Mac users and people who own iOS devices. It allows you to focus on writing without distractions, so you can create great content with little effort. You can choose from many different themes and fonts, and this app also lets you upload documents from Dropbox, Evernote, or Google Drive.
- MyWriter is one of the most popular online services for students who have to deal with essays daily due to their studies and extracurricular activities. You can order any type of paper from this app: from high school essays to dissertations and other complicated academic assignments.
#2 Find Your Voice
No matter what type of essay you need to write, it is always important to find your voice. When you write in your own voice, you can connect with your audience and communicate your message more effectively.
There are many different ways to find your voice. You can start by reading your favorite authors and observing how they use language to communicate their ideas. You can also imitate their style in your writing.
#3 Use Simple Language
Write in a language that is easy to understand. You should avoid using jargon, technical terms, and complex words. Instead, use simple language that is easy to follow.
- Jargon: If you are writing for an audience with a high degree of domain knowledge, you will want to avoid using jargon or acronyms that are familiar only to your industry or profession. Your readers may need a proper explanation to understand what you mean.
- Technical terms: Avoid using particular words that are likely unfamiliar to a general audience. For example, rather than writing “an adhesion contract” when referring to “a contract by which one party agrees not to separate from another permanently or for more than a specified time,” write “a lease agreement” instead (American Heritage Dictionary).
- Difficult words: Use simple language whenever possible rather than complex or challenging words. Also, make sure that there is no more clear word choice available — especially if your document will be translated into multiple languages.
#4 Master Your Research Skills
Whether you need to write a school paper or you want to write a blog post, you will need to do some research. When researching, you should always try to find reliable sources to back up your claims.
Competent and advanced academic research is 70% of the essay’s success. You will be able to support each of your arguments with references to sources and research, which will significantly increase the weight of your work in the eyes of the professor.
One of the best ways to find reliable sources is to use Google Scholar. This search engine is specifically designed for finding scholarly articles and other academic resources. You can also look for sources in the library.
#5 Don’t Forget about Proofreading
Once you have finished writing your essay, proofread it carefully. This will help you catch any grammar mistakes, typos, or other errors. You can proofread your essay yourself or hire a professional proofreader to do it for you. If you decide to proofread your essay, you should read it aloud to catch any errors. You can also use a grammar checker like Grammarly to help you find and fix mistakes.
#6 Think about Your Audience
When writing an essay, it is crucial to consider your audience. Who will you be writing for? What are their needs and expectations? You should always keep your audience in mind when you are writing. This will help you determine what information to include and how to present it in a way that will be most helpful or interesting to them.