Video: AGTV – a new HD ‘Apple’ video podcast (preview)

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AGTV Preview – from Michael Murphey on Vimeo.

I’ve been working on this little project for a few weeks now, and I’m very eager to get the full series up and running. The show will be available in HD for download in iTunes, as well as standard def for those of you who would like a smaller file size. The Vimeo link will actually take you an HD version of the preview in flash which is much higher quality than the video above.

I really want your feedback on this, so feel free to leave comments below or send me an email at michael(at)applegazette(dot)com.

Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

14 thoughts on “Video: AGTV – a new HD ‘Apple’ video podcast (preview)

  1. Great! Good luck with video podcasts. Much better than just audio (I actually almost never listen to just audio podcasts).

    One thing though – you probably could do something with the background, make it a little more Apple-ish… :)) Black (or white) wall with AG logo would look great, for example… 🙂

  2. Hey Michael,
    I’d like to see the “iChat roller-coaster background” behind you the entire time. I’ve yet to see a podcast that couldn’t benefit from amusement park footage.
    -The Doc

  3. @Rick

    After looking at how Vimeo compresses the video I’m not sure I’m going to use them. While I don’t think the lighting is perfect in the full quality video, it certainly looks better than than in the compressed video above.

    Anyone have a preferred web-based video host?

  4. I’m very interested in the video podcast. The preview is well done. I think the visual problem is michael’s black t-shirt in front of a dark blue background. Knowing that the black t-shirt is in line with the whole Steve Jobs/Apple look, it seems that Michael might have to paint that wall. Other than that I really like the simple layout with the shelf and laptop.

  5. Well done, I do like the video version of the pod cast….and I think Michael is cute.

    Keep up the good work.

    George….that’s right I am a dude! =-)

  6. Excellent quality Michael. You performed great on video as much as you do in audio.

    Just one thing. You are wearing a black shirt (we all know why) and your background is dark blue/purple. That’s kind of low contrast and I am no video expert but I think that you should pay attention to these kind of details.

    Otherwise, everything is super fine. I like the intro, the music, the graphics, the way subtitles enters and leaves the screen. It’s just perfect. You must have worked really hard on this and I wish you all the best.

    Thanks Michael for the great work.

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