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New ‘Get a Mac’ Ad – Stuffed

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stuffed.jpgApple has posted yet another ‘Get a Mac’ Ad.

This one is called “Stuffed”, and is about how PC is bloated from all the trial and/or useless software that comes bundled on him.

When PC says “you know how it is…”, Mac responds that “no, Macs just come with stuff you want like iTunes, iMovie…”

Another entertaining addition to the ‘Get a Mac’ Ad collection…and, as always, John Hodgeman stands out – continually proving that he is one of the funniest human beings alive.

Click Here to check it out

Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

3 thoughts on “New ‘Get a Mac’ Ad – Stuffed

  1. “no, Macs just come with stuff you want like iTunes, iMovie…”

    Oh, really? Stuff I want like an Office trial, an iWorks trial, Comic Life and so forth? And endless proddings to get a .Mac account?

    I really do like these ads, but they may backfire on Apple if they stray this far from the truth.

  2. I have to agree. The iMac I bought a couple of months ago sure has its share of trial crap. My Dell, a few years old admittedly, didn’t have as much (though I understand most PCs now have a load on).

  3. I also just looked at the Computer Cart apple ad. I don’t really see how wmp.dll is any less cryptic than the “directory icon with a question mark” error message Apple gave me about 5 weeks after I bought it. It turned out my harddrive was toast; apple-cinnamon I image.

    *at least I think that’s what the icon looked like, it was a month or so ago. It ended up costing me two 4 hour round trip runs to and 3 days wait at the “local” apple store.

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