While you will be able to see every major thing covered by Apple Gazette right here on the blog (and in the main RSS feed for you RSS Subscribers), there are several other ways to keep in up with Apple Gazette to find out what’s happening at Macworld 2008.
From About 6:00 am on Sunday until Midnight or so on Thursday the 17th, I’ll be tweeting my brains out, covering every aspect of the trip. From Press Conferences to lunches, after parties, and flight delays, everything will be tweeted to fully cover the Macworld experience.
If you want to join in the fun you can click here.
Live Center
During the Keynote, all LIVE coverage will be done in our sleeker (and easier on the server) Live Center. You can look there for complete up to the minute coverage. Afterwards a Keynote Recap will be posted in the main RSS feed.
I’ve never been a Flickr user before, but I have set up an Apple Gazette Flickr page to keep track of all the photos that I’ll be taking of the trip and of the expo. I will post daily photogalleries in the main feed here, but the Flickr page will have the photos up before they get posted here, plus there will be some that don’t make it from the Flickr page to the main blog site.
If you want to follow along on Flickr, you can click here.
It’s going to be an interesting trip…see you San Francisco.
3 thoughts on “Keeping up with Apple Gazette @ Macworld 2008”
Excellent work Michael. Especially the live center page. I usually go to engadget but this year I am sticking with Apple Gazette. You are doing a tremendous coverage with photos, tweeting, live keynote coverage. You are amazing.
What’s with the WWDC photo usage for a MacWorld Expo blog post?
That would be someone posting an image in a hurry and not paying attention.
I’ll fix it.