Apple’s iTV may extend “beyond streaming video”

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Apple Insider is reporting that Apple’s iTV may extend “beyond streaming video”…

Apple Computer’s forthcoming iTV set-top box may include features beyond streaming content and could have an impact on video similar to what the iPod has done for music, Bear Stearns analyst Andy Neff told clients in a research note Wednesday.
Neff said he recently emerged from a meeting with Apple Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer and Vice President of iPod Product Marketing Greg Joswiak feeling “optimistic about the company’s “continued innovation and twin drivers,” referring to the company’s competitively priced Intel Macs and compelling new iPods.

“Ultimately, Apple’s goal is to create a product that customers would want (as opposed to creating new technology merely for the sake of technology), while focusing on areas where it can differentiate,” he wrote. “Apple noted that it has a number of products currently in development that are likely to be introduced over several years.”

Although Apple would not disclose additional specifications of iTV, Neff said the company highlighted that the device fits within its vision of simplifying consumers’ use of content.

All I can say is…I sure hope so.

If Apple hopes to take over the living room the iTV is going to have to be something special…something beyond streaming content.

My guess…and this is just a GUESS…A GUESS I SAY…ahem…anyway, is that you’ll be able to access iTunes and purchase your audio and video content directly from the iTV…I also fully expect to be able to get HD content.

Microsoft is already offering HD Content on the Xbox 360, and I think Apple HAS to offer the same to make iTV worth the price.

I can’t wait for Macworld ’07…I’m sure that we’ll be getting more information about iTV…and who knows…we might even be able to buy the iTV by the end of the keynote…

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Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

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