Here is your weekly dose of free iOS apps to download. Have fun!
(Note: These apps are free as of this writing; they may go back to their regular price anytime so download the apps for free while you can.)
Paid apps for free today
pandaHAUS SNOW is a powerful and fun photo and content sharing community for skiers, riders and fans.
More than just skiing, pandaHAUS SNOW has sections and features that empower the global ski and snowboard community to connect, communicate, educate, and share their “passion for powder” with the world.
Fragment of Marine
“Fragment of Marine” is a circle action that advances across a circular foothold.
The hero whose body has been divided into six colors goes on a journey to collect bodies for a certain purpose.
Please note: This application is intended for use by healthcare professionals as a decision support tool. It is not designed for use by patients and does not replace the advice of a doctor.
ONCOassist™ provides oncology professionals with a suite of easy to use decision support tools to manage patients care.
ONCOassist’s breakthrough selection of tools was developed by oncology professionals for oncology professionals and include:
• Adjuvant decision support tools for breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer and a GIST tool.
• Drug interaction checker.
• AJCC 8th and 7th edition staging tool that provides easy access to the full library of AJCC criteria for every malignancy.
• Common toxicity criteria for adverse events version 5.0 and 4.0 in an easy to use and interactive format.
• A suite of prognostic tools which can help in prognostication, risk stratification and deciding on eligibility for specific treatments or clinical trials including the Motzer criteria for renal cancer and the IPI score for diffuse large B cell lymphoma.
• Useful calculators for frequently needed medical calculations, including body surface area, opiate equivalence converters, and carboplatin dosage calculator
Use By Date
Tired of your food going bad? Forgot when your loaf of bread expires? With this app, you get notified before your food or medicine goes bad!
You can use it for fruits, milk, medicine, memberships, meat, vitamins or vegemite, or more! Anything that has a shelf life, or an expiry date, can be added to Use By Date and you will save money and aggravation because your phone will give you a reminder ahead of time.
You can take photos of your food so that you can see it to help remember.
Some valuable features:
– Reminder notification pops up on your phone at your specified time up to 7 days before the item expires
– Take a photo of your dish or item
– Record the expiry date
– Categorize your items, such as food or medicine
– Add new categories of items
– Search for specific items
– Include notes for more detail, such as where you purchased the item and for how much
Animal Vocabulary Learning
Animal Vocabulary Learning a learning animal vocabulary tool for children. It’s a good app for you to teach your children vocabulary.