Today’s Quick Tip comes from techpwn.
The dock animation “Suck†is hidden in OS X and can be activated with the terminal using this line…
defaults write mineffect suck
Now just type “killall Dock†in your terminal and you will notice the new effect after your dock restarts.
Cool little dock hack.
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13 thoughts on “OSX Quick Tip: Hidden “Minimize To Dock†Animation in Mac OS X”
Doesn’t work at all
Not working for me either.
Yea, it doesn’t work
Did anyone try this before posting it? It doesn’t seem available to me either.
No, I’m an idiot and I didn’t try it before posting 🙁
This one is apparently a dud folks…it won’t happen again.
works just fine, remember the dock process is called Dock
Capital ‘D’
it’s not the coolest effect but it definitely works.
yeah… it worked for me..
just remember to make dock with a CAPITAL “D”
Ha Ha! i’m not an idiot 🙂
I still should have tried it first… :p
hey, is there any way to make this permanently accessable from the dock menu in system preferences???
For those of you still frustrated, you have to type capital “Suck” for this to work, not the posted lowercase suck
I wonder if people are finding this doesn’t work because they’re typing mineeffect instead of mineffect … just a though – ’cause that’s what *I* did (blush).
how do you get the old animation back?