MOST Releases Mac HelpMate Version 2 with Auto HelpMate

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MOST Training & Consulting announces the immediate availability of Mac HelpMate 2 with Auto HelpMate, its zero-configuration cross-platform screen sharing and control solution. Auto HelpMate allows a consultant or support professional or IT Manager to initiate screen sharing from a secure web site in 60 seconds with or without a user logged into the machine, making it the ultimate support solution for servers or mobile professionals who can’t always be available but leave their computer on and connected to the Internet. Offering the same capabilities as well known-commercial alternatives at a fraction of the cost, Auto HelpMate can be a windfall for technical support professionals who support Macs and Windows computers in multiple physical locations. Mac HelpMate 2 now includes a MHMQC (Mac HelpMate QuickConnect) menu item, so that all end users need do is choose “share my screen” from the menu bar on their Desktop, or toggle Auto HelpMate off or on for unattended activation.

Mac HelpMate 2 with Auto HelpMate requires Mac OS X 10.3 or higher. Its Windows equivalent, Win HelpMate, requires Windows 2000 or XP. Mac HelpMate works easily through firewalls and routers. It’s not necessary to know the TCP/IP address of a computer sharing its screen to control it nor is it necessary to change any network settings. This makes Mac and Auto HelpMate an ideal solution for mobile professionals and technical support pros that constantly move from one network to another such as airplanes, hotspots, hotels or even cell phone connections. All Auto HelpMate and Mac HelpMate network traffic is secured with industry-standard SSL or Blowfish encryption.

“We got rid of the slow and mediocre Netopia eCare remote control software and replaced it with a very cool program called “Mac HelpMate.” It’s not only faster than eCare, it does a lot more,” says Bob “Dr. Mac” Levitus, Head of Dr. Mac Consulting.

“I can now offer my clients on-demand help wherever they are, whether or not I have set them up with Apple Remote Desktop (which is requires a VPN and an admin license for each site) or Timbuktu (which has to be licensed on each computer) and it is very simple for my end users,” says Allen Hancock of Baton Rouge, a certified member of the Apple Consultant’s Network, “. . . and now, with Auto HelpMate, I can remotely assist my roadwarrior clients no matter where they are!”

You can find out more about it here

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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