Mac Office 08 Pricing and “Flavors” Revealed

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TUAW has the scoop on the Mac Office 08 versions and pricing. It looks like we’ll be getting 3 versions to choose from (which, in my opinion, is two – possibly three versions too many).

* Microsoft Office 2008 for the Mac: This is the core version of the productivity suite which includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Entourage. This version includes some Automator workflows, as well as Exchange support in Entourage (you’ll see why I mention this in a moment). You can pick this version up for $399.95 (US) for the full retail version and $239.95 for an upgrade.

* Microsoft Office for the Mac Home and Student Edition: This is aimed at the segment of the market that needs to edit documents and such, but isn’t in an Exchange environment. As such the version of Entourage included in Home and Student Edition does not support Exchange, nor do you get Automator workflows with this edition. This edition only comes in the full retail flavor for $149.95

* Microsoft Office for Mac Special Media Edition: This one is interesting. It includes everything in the core suite (including Exchange support) as well as a full version of Microsoft Expression Media for Mac for $499.95 or $299.95 for the upgrade.

$149.95 for the basic edition isn’t a bad price at all – but I honestly think that most “basic” users would enjoy iWork as much, if not more, than this – for the lovely price of $79.

Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

5 thoughts on “Mac Office 08 Pricing and “Flavors” Revealed

  1. M$ just doesn’t get it. Never has, never will.

    The sad thing is a million people are going to go out and drop $400 because they don’t know there are alternatives.

  2. How hard is it to understand the concept of releasing 1 version of everything? They did it with vista and its 7 different copies, and now with Office.

  3. I agree! I’ve used iWork since the ’06 version and much prefer it to MS Office that I HAVE to use on my work laptop. I paid the $79 to upgrade to iWork ’08 just to stay current. Like all of Apple’s software I find iWork to be more intuitive and easier to use.

  4. there have always been several different versions of office simply because it consists of a lot of individual programs. how would you like it if you only need word/excel/powerpoint, but are forced to pay the full price including other applications like publisher, access, exchange et cetera that you may never use, only because microsoft does not want to confuse you and only releases one version?

    if iwork consisted of more than three apps, i’m sure you would like the choice of what to buy and what not.

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