RUMOR: Images of new iMac Keyboard Leaked Online

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Engadget has an exclusive look at the new Apple Keyboard that is rumored to be shipping with the new iMac. At first the site expressed some doubt in the images, but now they seem confident in their source, and have a gallery of photos.

From the looks of the images, if this is a fake, it’s extremely well done.

This is keyboard is AMAZINGLY thin, and when they ship – new iMac or not – I’m going to have to have one….

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

13 thoughts on “RUMOR: Images of new iMac Keyboard Leaked Online

  1. All of you complaining about enter/return: Come on. That stuff can easily be changed. And enter and return are both common lingo. I really like this design, but I feel this image is either a fake or a plant by Apple to see how the rumor would go. My biggest reason for that is the F-key and volume/eject key placement. Who would put the volume/eject keys in the middle of the row of F-keys? However, if someone was photoshopping a picture of a MacBook keyboard…. I’ll bet the placement of the eject key is where the MacBook stops, and everything to the right was photoshopped.

    I haven’t looked, so I’m speaking out of my butt, but that should looks likely to me.

  2. I hope they’re false, the design doesn’t appeal to me.
    However, this FlickR account seems to be the source (according to, and the pics are gone now. (I’ve seen the pics there, so it could be the source.) I wonder if Apple legal has anything to do with the removal, although I hope not.

  3. fake. obvously a rip off of the macbook. i dont doubt that the imac keyboard is going to look like it, but this image is a fake. whats with the “enter key”? they dont say enter they say return, then enter right above it but smaller.i beleve the rumor but this pic is photoshopped.

  4. OMG!

    I’m saving up for a Mac Pro, but I’m trying to hold out until Leopard/iLife 07 ships, just to save a buck. I was also hoping that in the meantime, the Mac Pro would see a few additions by then: 3.16 GHz Xeons, Blue Ray, IR receiver for Front Row. Now, looks like I’ll have to wait until it ships with the new keyboard. It looks awesome, and being a MacBook user, I have come to really like the feel of the “domino” keys.

  5. “whats with the “enter key”? they dont say enter they say return, then enter right above it but smaller”

    I’ve checked my laptop and 2 fullsize keyboards (of which none are Apple-made, alas), and both keyboards say “Enter” on the numpad and show only a ‘return’ symbol, no text, on the Return key. My laptop also says “Enter” on the Return key. Again, they are not Macs, but the text on the keys doesn’t seem a strong argument to prove that it’s a fake.

    I have heard the added media playback and dashboard keys don’t really match the current keys for those functions, I hope that argument is valid because I still want them to be fake. They don’t look ‘right’ to me, the design is not as clean as I’ve come to expect from Apple products.

  6. There are a few versions of the pictures, Apple Insider has some others showing the Apple logo on the cmd button, and with different text for the enter button.

    I don’t think its fake.

  7. What we know about the keyboard so far, at least from Apple’s mouth, is that it will be slimmer and more similar to the Macbook’s keyboard. We’ve also heard various rumors about the new iMacs having a “brushed metal” look, as opposed to being completely white (or even black).

    Whether this keyboard is fake or not, it is in accordance with that description we were given, more or less. I don’t think that the final design will be too different from this.

  8. Well, it looks pretty much fake to me. Why?
    – Black background which is a cliche for rendering from eD software.
    – Not ergonomic for a desktop (imagine typing on a calculator)
    – The ruler image – the keys looks weird from the side and all have the same inclination (again, 3D software modeling anybody). And the ruler looks as if it was just put there i.e. mixing and matching in a 3D environment)
    – Stickers on the bottom looks pretty lame as if they were just put there to convince people they are real (specially the skewed “not a cosmetic unit one”)
    – Really Really Really. Apple would go Wireless with a new iMac.

  9. And the various versions of the pics with another having the apple logo (which the fake designer forgot to put there in the first attempt) makes it look really really Fishy.

  10. And the various versions of the pics with another having the apple logo (which the fake designer forgot to put there in the first attempt) makes it look really really Fishy.

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