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I have a new iPhone!

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The guys at the Apple store were very helpful and I am now blogging this from my new iPhone. I just wanted to give you guys a quick update…I’ll have more to say on it later.

Man, this thing is fantastic…


Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

15 thoughts on “I have a new iPhone!

  1. Finally!!!! Congrats dude!!! It really is amazing isnt it????

    This has really been a great experiance.

  2. Ehhh at least you get one… we here in Spain have to wait for at least 3 months… lucky devil!! and thanks for the podcasts

  3. Well I’m here in Egypt and looks like we aren’t getting any iPhones any time soon. Congrats on your new gadget and keep us posted 🙂

  4. How on earth did you get it activated so quickly? It seems like there are a LOT of us out here who have been waiting in excess of 24 hours for activation.

    You need to put on your investigative hat and blog about that!

    I’m sure my iPhone will be awesome once it finally gets activated, but this is certainly a new experience for this long-time Apple customer. Things have always, “just worked”. I guess this is what happens when a 3rd party gets involved. This is what Windows people must feel like. (and I don’t like it, not one bit).

  5. Great News Michael! Enjoy your iPhone and please start writing your 30 days with iPhone and keep us posted. I am in Asia and have to wait until 2008 to experience this great device.

  6. Hope we get our iPhones before christmas here at Finland! Just waiting’ 30 days review!


  7. Congratulations Michael on your replaced iPhone. You scared the hell out of me with your post about AT&T’s response to your problem, someone should Digg that.

    Apart from the iPhone shortcomings that everybody pointed out, the iPhone killer would definetly be at&t not the product and not Apple. I hope Apple can break away from they tie with at&t in the future.

    Michael. I can’t wait for your 30 day coverage of the iPhone. Please get it started right now.


  8. It made sense if you took it to Apple that they would take care of it. They have always (and I mean always) been great with their service from my personal experiences.

    The only issue I had was setting up Voicemail. I had a message from the iPhone that it could not be activated. This was not an Apple problem which I knew, so I called (on a land line) the AT&T After Hours Emergency number (1-866-801-3600) and spoke with a very nice girl. She went through things step by step and got the voicemail greeting on the phone sorted out but then the actual greeting didn’t answer on AT&T’s end. After some more poking around in the account settings, she finally got it to work after another reset of their system. It had something to do with a code on the account, but all is fine now.

    It paid to be patient with her and she really did do a great job sorting it out which took about 15 minutes of working with her on the phone.

    Glad you phone is up and running and hope you’ll enjoy it. It is pretty amazing!

  9. Congrats, and I am really looking forward for this fall when the – presumably – 3G version of the iPhone is going to hit Europe.

    BTW did any of you guys hear about that story that “Vodafone should announce their alliance with Apple for Europe and a 3G iPhone this Monday”? Sounds like a hoax but the sources look (and read) quite serious…

  10. No iPhone for me… My ridiculously cheap plan with T-Mobile has me sucked in for now. Got to play with someone’s on Saturday though.. Just as fantastic as it looks on TV, which is a rare thing with technology.

  11. Congrats on the iPhone! I’m in Australia… that means I’ll have to wait till March next year… 🙁

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