Hey there, I’m the new guy

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Kevin Whipps
Kevin Whipps

Howdy. My name is Kevin Whipps, and I’m the new guy here at Apple Gazette. For the past 10 years, I’ve been working as a freelance writer and photographer in the Phoenix, Ariz. area, mostly in the automotive field. Most recently, I’ve spent my time as a copy editor for a regional publication, as well as being the executive editor for the now-defunct Six Degrees magazine. I’m married, and I have a baby boy on the way come February 7th.

But that’s not why I’m here. I came to Apple Gazette because a few years back, I became a Mac guy.

It started with a white MacBook, right when the Intel Core 2 Duos came out. The Intel technology intrigued me, and I figured that it was a cheap enough way to get into the Mac system without outlaying too much cash. Its main purpose was to replace my ailing HP, but also to run my photography programs and use on the road for documents and photo shoots. I was hooked almost instantly.

That led to a 20-inch iMac, an AppleTV, several iPods including shuffles, 500 gb Time Capsule, an iPhone, iPhone3GS, MobileMe subscription and most recently, the 15-inch, 2.4 ghz MacBook Pro that I bought in August on closeout. I’ve since sold the old reliable white MacBook (although I’m regretting that decision), and now I use the MBP for all of my photography and writing work.

So what do I bring to the team? First and foremost, a genuine love for all things Apple. I’m not stopping with the MBP; I’m going to buy a Mini at some point to turn into a media system, and I’m sure a new iPhone is in my future come next year. I’m also working on reorganizing my workspace, a topic which seems to be pretty popular on the interwebs, so I’ll showcase that here as well. Plus, I’ll be putting out posts about getting organized in the Mac world, and using my setup totally PC-free.

Hope you enjoy my stuff. Here’s to the future of Apple Gazette.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

2 thoughts on “Hey there, I’m the new guy

  1. Your story sounds a little like mine…
    I had an old Windows computer I wanted to update, and ended up spending more than I would just buying a new one… then found out that it wouldn’t run the movie editing software I bought because of the graphics card… I would have to outlay another $250!!
    I got fed up and went to the local mall to see the Sony Vaio (very popular and chic at the time!), but they insisted I buy an off the shelf model since they couldn’t set me up with the one I wanted online!
    Frustrated I walked around the mall and found an Apple store. No way was I going to buy and Apple… they were too expensive, right? Well, I go in, they are the nicest people, I tell them what I want and they tell me, why not just order it online (showing me how to do it right there in the store!) and to top it off, they find out I work for a community college and advise me to use the site set up for my school so I can get a discount! What service! What honesty!
    To top it all off, the iBook I bought was over $1000 LESS than the Sony Vaio equivalent!
    I’ve used them ever since, at work and at home, and won’t be going back!

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