Dock Prototype Overload

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I loves me some docks, but sometimes, I think it can be a bit too much. Take, for example, this concept posted over at Yanko Design, one of my favorite prototype blogs. It’s a dock designed to fit underneath your iMac which has a docking station for your iPad, iPod, and iPhone. Oh, and there’s a few USB slots in there as well. Here’s the description:

The Docking and Storage Base is a convenient tray that fits under the screen of the iMac or PC and docks everything ‘i’; iPod, iPhone, iPad. It covers the area below and to the back of the screen allowing you to sync, charge, store and display up to 3 devices. Two of the docks are towards the end of the ramp so that they don’t obstruct the main screen, allowing them to be used as secondary screens (clever!).

The tray also provides easy access to USB ports that are located in the front, plus all the wiring is concealed to give it a clean look. The only wires you’ll see are the ones for a firewire and a power source. Two storage cabinets for other smaller electronic devices, documents and pens, complete this panel’s features.

Admittedly, the drawers in the front are kind of a neat idea, because it would be a great place to hold pens and the like. Otherwise, it takes away from the Mac aesthetic too much for me, and it’s not really my bag. I know, it’s a dock so in theory I’d like it, but not all of them are winners.

Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

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