AGTV – Episode 1 – Axiotron Modbook, Snackr RSS, and iPhone Data info

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UPDATE: Audio issues have been corrected!

It’s been a long time coming, but here it is, the first episode of the new weekly AGTV Video Podcast. You can watch it in the flash player above, or you can subscribe to the one of two RSS Feeds.

For iPods and iPhones there is the AGTV Standard Definition feed.

For AppleTV and Macs you can subscribe to the AGTV High Definition feed as well.

Both feeds are currently under review by Apple for admission into iTunes and should be approved soon. For now, if you want to subscribe to them in iTunes you can do so by clicking on Advanced>Subscribe to Podcast… and add the URL.

Your feedback is always appreciated, so feel free to sound off in the comments or contact me directly.

Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

14 thoughts on “AGTV – Episode 1 – Axiotron Modbook, Snackr RSS, and iPhone Data info

  1. Great show, I really enjoyed watching it. One little thing I just wanted to point out, was that as you where talking about the email question. The audio seemed to fall out of sync, I don’t know if that is just me or not. But I thought I would let you know. Again, great show.

  2. I loved it! This is great that you can do some more in depth hardware reviews! I can’t wait for more episodes.

  3. Great work.
    Indeed the sound was out of sync at the end.
    Also the sound was much lower in volume compared with other show on itunes.

  4. Well. Michael. First congratulations for the show and the quality of your material. I liked it.

    Second I have some questions and notes and here they are in a numbered list below:

    1. I didn’t watch the HD version. I just watched the version from right withing AG and I have to say that I wasn’t a fan of the sound quality. not just the sync but the quality itself of the compression.

    2. Why can’t I subscribe via iTunes? I searched for AGTV and found other irrelevant shows.

    3. I think that a camera mounted above your head to show what you are doing with your hands would be a nice addition.

    4. It’s kind of short unless you gonna be producing it more frequently. So if you gonna give us a show every week then you need to make it at least 20 minutes long or so so tahat you can fit more stories and reviews.

    Other than that the show is more than fine and the quality of content is good. I watched the modbook for the first time in action and I am typing this on my mac while the snackr bar is scrolling at the bottom of the screen. 🙂

    Thanks Michael and keep up the good work.

  5. Nice, delivery. The only problem I found was the actual player. Accidentally I interrupted the video going to a different web page in about half way of the program. I was not able to fast forward to start when I left off then I didn’t want to wait or listen the same information so I did not finish listening. Any suggestions to overcome this issue?


  6. @The Wizard

    1. The audio issues have been noted, and I’ll have better sound in the next episode.

    2. Apple hasn’t approved the show yet in iTunes. Hopefully they will soon.

    3. I would love an additional camera as well – but we’re going to have to wait a bit on that – those things aren’t cheap. 🙂

    4. As far as the length is concerned, I’m going to experiment with that to find a comfortable balance between being too long and not long enough. I also have to factor in that I have zero assistance creating the show. I shoot it, host it, write it, edit it, and all of that – so time is a factor as well.

    Still, there will be experimentation until we hit a format that most everyone is happy with with.

    Thanks for watching!

  7. @Oscar

    I am not in love with the player either. In fact, I haven’t really found a player yet that I enjoyed in an embedded format. There are several of them at are great on site, but once you embed them you start running into problems.

    If you have any suggestions on a better player, I’m certainly open to the idea.

  8. What about Viddler? Leo Laporte uses it after all 🙂

    And thanks Michael for your detailed reply above.

  9. May I add please that I LOVE the new Apple Gazette Website design. Using it is a real Pleasure 🙂

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