The Ultimate Guide to an Awesome Sales Pitch Deck

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In today’s world, the sales pitch deck has been widely adopted as a crucial tool for achieving business goals. From selling your startup to investors to pitching new clients, a well-designed presentation can turn into major opportunities. A powerful sales pitch is imperative to achieve success, but creating an awesome sales pitch deck is easier said than done. That being said, there are many resources available online to help you master this process and put together a killer presentation.

Here, we made a guide to help you make an awesome sales presentation using readily available templates from pitch decks from Venngage. The following are 11 tips for you:

Write an Attention-Grabbing Headline in Your Presentation Deck

You can have the most eye-catching presentation slides in the world, but if they lack a strong headline, nobody will pay attention. Your slide should be compelling and offer a clear, easily digestible statement.

Prevent Your Pitch Presentation from Being Too Wordy

There is nothing worse than having to read through endless bullet points and text on your screen during a presentation. Instead of selling people on every single point you make, select only two or three key messages for each slide and back them up with graphs and charts where necessary. Pare down your data to its bare essence and drive home that message with impact!

Make Your Pitch Deck Design Pleasing To The Eye

Slides should look attractive; plain and simple. Make that your layout doesn’t feel cluttered by choosing fonts that are easy on the eyes, avoiding multi-colored backgrounds, and using photos or charts where appropriate.


Picking A Theme That Matches Your Message

When it comes to design, choose a color palette that reflects your brand’s identity while remaining versatile enough to convey different messages. For example, black may be an appropriate choice for a company that is focused on luxury products or services, while green would likely fit better with more environmentally-conscious endeavors. Avoid looking like you’re trying too hard by picking more than one color and subtly incorporating it throughout your slides in a subtle way!

Getting Feedback From Others

Sometimes you just can’t see what needs fixing if you’re too close to the project. Don’t be afraid to ask your peers and co-workers for feedback, whether it be their initial thoughts on your presentation or a final review. Allow yourself some time between the creative process and the live presentation to make any necessary tweaks.

Avoid Using Too Many Transitions

There’s nothing more annoying than having a presenter add cheesy transitions in between each slide. It may look fancy at first, but this “feature” will quickly feel repetitive and tacky over time. Once again, don’t take things too far by cutting down on these effects even further – just use them sparingly!

Ending On A Strong Note

Your final slide should be a summary of all your major ideas, backed up by appropriate data and/or visuals. If appropriate for your company, you may even want to use a quote here! You can also add a call-to-action to encourage the audience to explore more of your website or contact you directly.


Best Pitch Decks are Shareable

Even though your presentation will likely be given in person, you should still take the extra step to ensure people can follow up on what they’ve seen by putting relevant links and hashtags in your slide deck. If you’re pitching an idea to investors, for instance, be sure to include a link to your company’s website at the bottom of each slide so that investors can learn more about how their money is being used!

Consider The Space You’ll Be Pitching In

When it comes to the environment, think about where you’ll be giving your presentation. While flashy effects are fun in small spaces like boardrooms or conference rooms, large audiences may find them distracting if done too often. And while you don’t want to make your presentation a boring, static slideshow with zero pizzazz, don’t feel pressured to throw in every single bell and whistle just because you can.

Analyzing Your Competition

No matter what type of business you’re in, chances are strong that there are other companies out there doing the same thing as you. When designing your slides, take time to study those competing products or services. What makes them memorable? Why do people choose one over another? Try to find a unique angle to present yours from so that it stands out from the crowd!


Using Pitch Deck Examples Available Online

Utilizing pitch deck examples available online will allow you to put together an awesome pitch deck in minutes. Sites like Venngage provide free templates and infographics that are customizable and easy to use, so there’s no need for any additional design software. Once published, just share it with anyone via email or social media using the convenient buttons located on every page!

Give Venngage a try today and create an awesome pitch deck within minutes!

In Conclusion:

Keep it simple, keep it classy! Don’t go overboard with the bells and whistles – your presentation should be engaging without being distracting. The goal here is to make you look good, not try to steal the entire show! If done correctly, your amazing presentation can even help you get that money or break into that business opportunity of a lifetime.

After reviewing this article, you should have all the necessary tools to be able to create an effective presentation deck. Keep these tips in mind every step of the way so that your pitch is polished and professional!





Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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