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Christmas Comes Early for iOS Users With Flickr and Google Maps

New Flickr for iOS

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Google Maps and Flickr for iOS
Google Maps and Flickr for iOS

It is a good day for iOS today, what with Flickr and Google Maps being available for the platform. Flickr has been around forever, and even those who do not have a pro account know just how great an experience it offers. I can’t emphasize enough how I appreciate all the awesome photos I find on there.

The new Flickr for iOS
So, while all the hipsters have been raving about the Instagram update, those who have stuck by Flickr all this time were telling just how they have never ditched the platform. The first update since December of last year, the new Flickr does make for a lot of eye candy. It took almost a year, but at least the Yahoo guys (and gals) have something to show for it.

New Flickr for iOS
New Flickr for iOS

More than an update, this is actually a complete redesign. It looks beautiful, and if you’re into filters, then you can have your fill of them as well. All 16 filters are powered by Aviary, as well as the photo editing features.

Download the new Flickr for iOS here.

Welcome back, Google Maps!
We’ve all heard how much Apple Maps suck. We’ve all whined about the disappearing act by Google Maps, but it is back!

The funny thing is, I had been looking forward to this day. When it did finally happen, though, I was not that all excited. Now, it’s not totally Google’s fault. Neither is it Apple’s. It’s just that I have been using Waze a lot, and well, to be frank, it is doing excellently.

So anyway, Google Maps aficionados now have their pet maps application back.

Free. Fast. Fantastic.

I don’t think anyone can describe it better than David Pogue did, drawing upon the powers of alliteration. I suppose there is no need to dwell on the merits of Google Maps. After all, that topic has been beaten to death when Apple Maps was released. Still, I can’t help myself: it is a relief to use a maps application that is pleasing to look at, snappy, and accurate. (I’m no David Pogue, obviously.)

If you still don’t have it, get Google Maps for iOS here.

Flickr image via Mactrast

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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