Euro’s to Dollars with GlobeConvert App

Table of Contents

When the rental Lamborghini’s speedometer is in kilometers, how fast is 130 kilometers/hour really? How do does one convert dollars into rupees on the fly? Well just open up the “GlobeConvert” App and see it all instantaneously!

The car soaring along on the German highway, with no speed limit, is only doing 81 mph when it shows the red needle pointing to 130 km/hr. This means that a user is free to then put the iPhone down and floor it!

Sorry the “GlobeConvert” application cannot make the U.S. currency worth anymore than it actually is. On January 12, 2010 the U.S. Dollar is worth 0.67 Euro. Put in the exact amount of dollars to convert what is in the wallet to what will be used in London, England: the spender’s $1165 U.S. currency is instantly shown to be equal to 781.72 Euro.

Take the currency and units of measurement from whatever location you are in and convert them to whatever you need for free. There are hundreds of different types of easily recognizable measurements in an easy to use format. Simply press to change the Currency converter to Energy, or Length, or Speed, or Temperature, or even Time conversion.

Just how many seconds are in a year? The answer is 31557600 seconds/year. How many of them have been wasted playing with exceedingly easy, brilliant and intuitive Apps on the iPhone? Quite a lot actually, but the time wasted playing is outweighed by the time saved converting things with “GlobeConvert.”

IMPULSIVE Review Grade: A+

Picture of RJ Huneke

RJ Huneke

One thought on “Euro’s to Dollars with GlobeConvert App

  1. Hey RJ! Thank you very much for such kind words! I hope this app will come in handy more than once in your travels and everyday life.

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