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Verizon’s ‘unlimited’ data plans for iPhone 4 to end soon

One of the biggest selling points for Verizon is the inclusion of an unlimited data plan with the iPhone 4. However, unlimited data will be going away very soon for iPhone users.

Lowell McAdam, Verizon’s COO, confirmed the move away from an unlimited data plan for iPhone users. Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, McAdam spoke about the existence of Verizon’s unlimited data plan as short-lived but long enough to entice AT&T subscribers to make the switch to a CDMA iPhone 4. Verizon hasn’t said when it will remove the unlimited data plan for iPhone users but it has been hinted periodically in the past year.

What’s unclear is whether this will affect CDMA iPhone owners after they sign on the 10th.

However, Verizon is tackling a very real problem AT&T faced with the iPhone: network usage. “We are not going to have any flaws on the execution of the iPhone launch,” said Francis Shammo, Verizon’s COO.

“If we go to customer service, we’ve hired over 3,000 people currently, who have been trained. And if you think about it, we launched the iPad, so that our customer service reps in our stores and in our centers could get used to the interface of the iPhone, which was a pre-launch to the iPhone. So we’ve trained everyone, extensive training around that.”

Verizon’s move to restrict monthly data access would line up with its high standards for a quality network.

While Verizon is planning to change the amount of data new iPhone owners can download with their plan, only one tier of data will exist come launch day for the iPhone 4. Engadget received a tip from an anonymous source that reveals Verizon’s changing of its lowest priced data tier to exclude iPhones. The new lower tier is restricted to 75 MB (down from 150 MB) but is $5 less per month for the plan.

Are you planning the switch to Verizon? Visit Apple Gazette’s “Everything You Need To Know About The Verizon iPhone 4”.

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Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

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